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Page history last edited by Chelsea LeBlanc 13 years, 6 months ago

Ricochet and ASK


Group Members:

Kimberly Hunter  knhunter@umich.edu 
Chelsea LeBlanc  leblancc@umich.edu 
Grant Wu  grantwu@umich.edu 


App Name: Ricochet 


App Type: Three week app


App Platform: iOS


App Description:


Ricochet is a physics based puzzle game where you place obstacles in each level to redirect the ball into the goal.  


Press Go to launch the ball and see what happens! In each level, you'll have to place obstacles for the ball to hit in order to reach the goal. If your puzzle design doesn't work the first time, press Stop and move your obstacles to try again! In our three week version of the app, the obstacles you can create are platforms and bouncers. Touch the screen and drag your finger to draw an obstacle.  Touching and dragging an existing object will move it, double tapping deletes its.  You have a limited amount of objects you can draw, and the fewer you use to beat the level, the higher your score will be!


After you win a level, you can replay it, play the next level, or go back and choose a previously played level. 




Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3

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