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Page history last edited by Ryan Meier 13 years, 7 months ago



Team Members:

Team AwesomeSoft

- Cody Bird (codyb)

- Ryan Meier (rameier)

- Joe Mitchell (joemitch)


What is RockPaperScissorsBomb?

RockPaperScissorsBOMB! is a mobile game that gives a fun new strategic twist to the classic game of rock-paper-scissors. Instead of just playing single rounds, the user and computer have defensive walls linked by four lanes, and each have a queue that fill up with the classic rock, paper, and scissors, as well as the newly added bomb. The user damages the wall by sending their pieces down the lane and contacting the wall (or in the case of the bomb, doing scaling (and potentially very large) damage as the bomb gets close to the enemy wall). However, the computer has the same goal. 

Luckily, standard rock-paper-scissors rules apply, so if you send your paper down the same lane as an enemies rock, your paper will cover their piece and keep moving. The same extends to rock >scissors and scissors >paper. Additionally, every piece beats the bomb, making protecting and escorting your bomb pieces a priority and an interesting part of the game's strategy. Finally, if two identical pieces hit, they mutually destroy one another.


3 Week Status

We met our goal of having a functioning, relatively polished version of the game running on the iPhone platform, and we are the proud recipient of the class-choice top 3 week app.


While we don't have a gameplay video created yet, we do have some mock-ups of the screens.


When the game boots, our team logo shows (which will be changing, as our team name will also be changing due to incorporation limitations). Immediately after that, the game title screen shows.



After this, the main menu of the game is presented



Currently, pressing the Play button leads directly to the vs. computer game. In the future, we plan to implement multiple game modes and difficulties, and will accordingly have an additional menu between the main menu and the game that will allow the user to select different game modes (such as vs. computer, multiplayer, challenge mode, etc.) and different difficulties (from the easiest, where the computer randomly places pieces, to the most difficult, where the user will counter your pieces and try to trap you).

The current game UI looks like this:



The four lanes show where you can place pieces. The bottom left box shows what your next available piece is (once it is ready to be used). Tapping anywhere in the lane will place the piece. The red bars are the health bars, and if you do enough damage to the enemy wall to deplete this red health bar before the computer depletes your bar, then you win.

Currently, the game can be paused by tapping two fingers anywhere not in a lane. In the future, we plan to add a pause button on the lower right side of either player's side of the screen. Additionally, we plan to add a two piece queue for the player and the computer so the player can see their next few pieces and their opponents next few pieces so they can try to form plans and trap the enemy, adding to the strategic value of the game.


Currently, the pause menu looks like this:



And the game over screens look like this:




corresponding to a win and a loss, respectively.


The other button we have functioning is help, which shows a help screen. While we intend to make a more informative help screen, or even perhaps a series of help screens, our current help screen looks like this:



In time, we will add config (to modify things like the overall skin of the game [which we intend to release separately as in-app purchases], volume controls, etc.) and stats (to keep track of things like overall wins, losses, damage done, most effective unit, etc.).


Additionally, these stills don't indicate it, but all of our icons for the rock, paper, scissors, and bomb are animated. Additionally, each icon will have kill and death animations (such as the scissors doing a dramatic chop and the paper cutting in half when they meet) to add to the polish and fun of the game.


While we have a long way  to go on the game (including ports to Android and WP7), we are extremely happy with where we are at with the game. 


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