
3 Week App Team Name: GeoNote


Group members:


No slides, we did a live presentation and demo.

Our 12-week app is an extension of the 3 week app, and is called GeoTask. (Name change due to conflict)


App Platform(s): Android 


App Description:

A task management app, where tasks are organized by location. Each task is associated with a geographical location. The user is sent a reminder/notification when he's within range of tasks location. The option of time based reminders is also available. Different tasks can have different notification radii. Tasks and locations can be added/created by clicking directly on a map. 



Screenshots : Main screen


Different tasks have different notification ranges. If the user (dot) is within range of an event (blue balloon), the event range circle turns red indicating an 'active' event.



Screenshot : Event description


when the user 'taps' an event, a dialog box pops up that lets the user edit the event


Hitting edit goes to an event description




Screenshot: Editing Events


Hitting "Edit Event" in the menu takes you to a new activity



Screenshot : Selecting a new place


Tapping the address (the box with "Kroger Plymouth Rd .." ) takes you to a map where you can select a new location




You can either search for a new place using text...


OR you can search 'manually' by using a Long Press on the screen. The new place shows up as a blue baloon


Tapping this balloon takes shows you the address of this place and the option to add/select this place.


If you choose to add a new place, you have the option to modify the address 


Once you've selected a place you return to the event add/ edit view. You can change the notification range here:



And you're back to the map view with the new/edited event :




Alternatively, you can view the events in a list. You have the option to add a new event or edit an exisiting one.