
Student Groups - 12 Week app

Page history last edited by Adrian Prayogo 13 years, 9 months ago

Post your team information here:



  • CtrlAltPay - A mobile payment app and system, partnering with CtrlAltPay. By Mike Kelley, Avi Das and Corbin Phelps 
  • Communicate - A real-time speech translator app (supports English, Spanish, French, German and Italian) 
  • Designated Dialer - An android app to prevent drunk dials  
  • FoodCircles - Group discounts at restaurants based on party size and time of day.
  • GeoTask - A task management app that helps you organize tasks by location. (An extension of our 3 week app GeoNote  ) 
  • Maestro - A music tool kit including a metronome, pitch pipe, and notation editor featuring a drag-and-drop interface. 
  • MathForge - WYSIWYG math expression editor 
  • MGoDroid - An Android-native version of MGoBlog
  • MyPocketCook - Recommends recipes based on what you have in your kitchen, and if you don't have some ingredients, gives you mobile coupons for them. 
  • OnDeck - Media Player application that integrates YouTube Audio with users own content for easy playlist creation. Dane Hillard, Tabish Javed, Nader Jawad, OnDeckApp@umich.edu 
  • PhoneControl - Remote control your smartphone using only a web browser, including live video feed and "find my phone" features. 
  • PhoneFind - Make your lost phone ring with just one click. 
  • RakuGaku  - Comprehensive Japanese language learning tool.  
  • Slingshot - A peer to peer file sending app 
  • Spubble - An AAC android port of the iOS version.  
  • Team LookDemUp -  AndroMaze3D pivoted to Soundbounce 
  • Team nuMobile - 12 week app (PockeTabs) - Synchronizing open tabs on the laptop with tabs on the Android Browser.
  • Top movies - Displays in theater movies using the Rotten Tomatoes dev API. (Independent Study) 
  • Vikings vs The World  - A game from RAM Productions. 



  • ASK  - An assistive technologies application that provides an accessible interface for text messaging and email for users with fine motor control disabilities. 
  • Beatnik  - A music game that lets you create and share note charts for the music in your iOS library. 
  • Fireballin  - Quick and intense game of dodging fireballs, collecting items, and using power-ups to survive and succeed! 
  • PhoneControl - Remote control your smartphone using only a web browser, including live video feed and "find my phone" features.
  • RockPaperScissorsBOMB! 12 Week - An action packed strategy game combining elements of the classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with a fast-paced base defense game.
  • Team nuMobile - 12 week app (PockeTabs) - Synchronizing open tabs on the laptop with tabs on the iPhone Browser.


Windows 7 Phone

  • Bovine Intervention - A charming perpetual motion game with amazing hand drawn graphics.  
  • CounterGift (MBus)- look up arrival times for Michigan blue buses and find buses and stops on the map.
  • Lit-Aux - A free ebook reader app for Windows phone with human read audiobooks feature. Yiwei Ma, Alok Talekar, Preeti J. Pillai
  • Team DPK (Space Pigs) - Making a space game for WP7
  • Quiz Me - Mobile flashcard manager (Independent Study) 


Other platforms 

  •  dodact - Educational gaming startup (Independent Study)


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