
Team LookDemUp 12 Week App

Page history last edited by David Elmquist 13 years, 7 months ago

David Elmquist

Edgar Watson

Emilia Askari


12 Proposal Presentation: http://498w11.pbworks.com/f/12WeekAndroMaze3DFinal.pptx


Elevator Pitch


I am one of thousands that love playing puzzle games on Android. However, I am tired of the 2-dimensional unchallenging maze games. I want to be dropped into a virtual 3D maze where I have to find my way out like in a corn field maze. We want to maneuver using the accelerometers in the android phones to create an experience that outperforms our competition.


View App Page: AndroMaze3D


Pivoted to Soundbounce


12 Final Presentation: Sound bounce final.pptx


Elevator Pitch


}“Musical Applications like Soundrop are popular but only available on iPhone/iPad. There is no Soundrop app for Android.  Soundbounce solves problem for half the price and will be perfect for Android tablets.”


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