

Page history last edited by Anush Mohan 13 years, 9 months ago

12-week Team name : GeoTask (formerly known as GeoNote. Name change due to conflict with existing app on the Android Market)


Group members:

  • Anush Mohan (anushm@umich.edu)
  • Lei Shi (leoshi@umich.edu)


12 week app proposal : GeoTask.pptx

12 week final presentation : GeoTask-finalPresentation-2.pptx

Video demo : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPyXg0C4f4g

Published in Android Market (in Trial)https://market.android.com/details?id=org.geotask&feature=search_result


App Platform(s): Android 


App Description: (A continuation of our 3 week app, GeoNote. )


GeoTask is a location based task management App for Android. Each task is associated with a geographical location, and the user is sent a reminder/notification when he's within range of tasks location. GeoTask is highly integrated with Google Calendar - all tasks are created on an existing calendar in Google Calendar, and can be viewed online from anywhere. In addition, any tasks that are created on Google Calendar will show up in GeoTask, and you can attach a 'location' to it to get notifications by geographic location. 



1) Google Calendar Integration

- All tasks are stored in an existing Google Calendar associated with your Google Account.

- When creating a new task, you are prompted to choose which calendar you want to create the task (Google Calendar event) on.

- Additionally tasks created in Google Calendar (created from anywhere online) will appear in GeoTask.


2) Map Centric UI:

- The main view is a map that shows all your tasks at different locations.

- All funcitons can be accessed directly from the map.

- Ex: A long press on the map creates a new task at that location, and clicking on a task displays the task name, description and location address.


3) Multiple reminder and notification settings.

- All the notification and reminder options that are available in Google Calendar are available in GeoTask

- You can choose to turn off notifications during certain periods of the day.


4) Task and Location Categories

- Tasks can be classified as Personal, Work or Study.

- Locations can be categorized into Generic, Residence, Shop, Restaurant and Office


5) Tasks can have different priorities (Low - blue, Medium - green, High - red)


6) Locations can have different notification radii


7) Users can obtain directions to a location by clicking the Navigate button.



Screenshots : 

In the following images, the red dot indicates the users location. The circles show the notification radius for each task, and they 

are colored according to priority. Tasks that are nearby (within range) are indicated by a solid band around the notification radius.







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