
LitAux (12 week)

Page history last edited by atalekar 13 years, 9 months ago



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An extension of our 3 week app(where we developed integration of a single ebook with audio), LitAux is an e-book reader app for the Windows Phone 7.

This free app incorporates an additional feature of human read audiobooks along with free/paid e-books accessed over the cloud . The mobile app comes along with a desktop application as well, so that users can read their favorite authors (retrieved from their LitAux app account) on their laptops and computers.

This is the first such app of its kind for the Windows phone, that provides smooth synchronization of text with audio .



Team Members :

Alok Talekar

Yiwei Ma

Preeti Pillai


contact:  litaux.pro@gmail.com 


Platform: Windows Phone 7

App Review: HandyScan


12 week Elevator Pitch



12 week app final presentation







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